Monday, August 11, 2008


Hey all!
This is my last Monday at my job before I start school. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. I was at my sister's house helping her move this weekend and I didn't get a lick of studying done. We have family from Alabama (who I am ecstatic to see BTW) up all week so I am going to have to squeeze the studying in around visits.
I started on the abbreviations from my medical terminology and I really think I'm reading Greek! Some look so innocent on the notecard and then you turn it over and it's a word I can't even pronounce. I had one card that said - ABK. I was trying my hardest to come up with something that would fit those abbvs., arterial blockage maybe? Then I flip the card over haha, Amputation below the knee. I can pronounce that one but it took me by such surprise. Amputation below the knee? Are there that many of these that they need an abbreviation? That's what I'm dealing with in my future career. Amputations. I get squimish over big pus filled pimples and now I'm going to have to see something that requires a ABK. That's probably going to be worse than a pus filled pimple.
The other day a woman at my work had one of these nasty pus-y things on her side that was hurting her really bad and she came to me and said, "Aren't you going to nursing school? Could you help? I can't get to this thing and it really hurts." Well, I'm all - Of course I can help! Don't you know who I am???? Please come over here and let me see and I will magically make it disappear because I am the best nursing student in the universe!!!!!
Well, she came to me alright and showed me a nastyness on her side. Eww. I have now already convinced her I would take care of it. She showed me the needle she had for me to work my magic on her and I nearly swooned. Yep - Swooned like in the old days where you put your hand on the forehead and look up at the ceiling. Well, it all ended up good, I fixed her up and off she went. I won't mention that she had to do the squeezing. I was NOT getting hit with whatever was coming out of that thing! Double Eww.
I tell you this so you understand that next week I will begin my nursing school and will not be dealing with minor pus things on someone's side. I will be dealing with big ABK's. Now if you excuse me I'm going to crawl under my covers now. So much for super hero nursing student.


Sarah said...

Hey Mary,
Thank you so much for your comments! I love getting them. I have added you to my RSS feed and I will be visiting your blog a lot! I feel that we will be able to really relate to one another. Here shortly I am going to add your link on my blog. Btw, pus things totally gross me out I feel you there. I hope the studying is going good. ABK...don't feel to bad I had forgot what that meant. Those silly medical abbrev. don't you love them! So tell me what classes are you fixing to take? Have a great night!
Sarah =o)

Mary / Mommy / Student Nurse said...

Right now I'm taking NSG 131. It's my first actual class with clinicals. I've been working full time and getting all my pre-reqs done for the past two years. It's exciting that now I'll actually be getting my core nursing ewxperience done! Thanks for adding me and I look forward to hearing from u!