Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Week of School - Completed!
I am officially done my first week of school and I must say that it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I have been reading these textbooks non-stop for a week now. When I'm not in class, I'm either reading or listening to my recordings of the lecture! They say that the first two weeks are very intense and they are not lying. I thought it might just be me, and asked the people in my class. The consensus being that it is very extremely and totally overwhelming. Well, at least I'm not the only one LOL!
I am on my way to my sister's house to hole up in her basement to do most of the reading for next week, I hope, and have her watch my kids. That way, I can crawl out - play w/ Har and LJ - then crawl back in. I won't have to feel like I need to do a load of laundry in between. I was so excited that we had four days off in a row, but then yesterday me and the two girls I'm paired with have signed up for a video for Tuesday. That means I have to go in anyway :( Well, looking at the bright side, it might be three days of reading textbooks, but it is three days off!
Happy Labor Day to all! Rest and Relax for me OK?!
Lots of Blessings ~ Mary

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