Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It has been so long since I last blogged, I don't even know where to start... I have two beautiful babies (well, they'll be two and three in a couple of months) and a wonderful stepdaughter. Harley is growing up so quickly - she's smart and funny and the perfect little helper. James is SUCH a boy :) He's rough and tumble, a go-getter, and extremely persistent. He is also the most adorable little boy I've ever laid eyes on! He is just getting into the sentence stage and can't quite annunciate the way Harley did, but all in all he understands everything that she did at that age. They play and get along great most of the time - and I mean MOST of the time being maybe 10% - the other 90% of the time they both want the same toy and are screaming at the top of their lungs. All you mothers out there with one baby or toddler - don't even complain or judge for that matter. Once the second one comes along - Boom! - A whole different ballgame. So when you see me at the store looking quite unwashed and far from the calm, perfect, patient mother you are (which I used to be too) keep it to yourself, please. Lest I will sic these children of mine on you :)
Seriously though, you moms of toddlers that are close together know what I'm saying. It's hard being everything to everyone. You have to spread yourself thin trying to make sure everyone is totally loved and mannerful and not biting the child next to them. It's a full time job in and of itself. Speaking of full time employment, I work for the Motor Vehicles in Jersey and I will be quitting in a couple of months to start school to become a nurse. Actually, Ive been going to school full time and working full time since James was first born. Talk about spreading yourself thin :) But I've come to the point where the classes are all during the day and i won't be able to work while I go to school. So this should be a big change, a nervous stressful oh my god what am i doing change. But we're doing it and stickin' it out. So I thought what better way to rid yourself of fear than writing it all out on the internet and get it off my chest. So I should be back here a lot.
In all my willy nilly free time I have taken up gardening. I planted a whole packet of tomato plant seeds and guess what, I've got a whole lot of tomato plants lol! I have 18 of them to be exact. I also planted radishes, corn, cucumbers, carrots, peas, green beans, and lima beans. I planted them all on the side of my house and the kids like going out and checking them every night. So, I've decided since I have to leave behind my steady paycheck just as food prices are going to soar from flooding and jignormous gas price hikes, I am going to make my own tomato sauce. Tomato sauce and maybe pasta, too. That way I can freeze it and save lotsa moolah of food. Hmm, there's probably going to be some good posts from that I can feel it. I figure I can freeze the peas, green beans, and limas. I can pickle the cucumbers. I'm not quite sure how the radishes and carrots are goingt to come out, though, so I'll keep updating.
In two weekends, we're having my entire in-law family to my house to have a 40th anniversary party for my in-law parents. We have so much work to do on the house it's really not funny. I have to paint and fix and organize. Hmm, I think there'll be some good stories from that too. Well - Gotta go back to the craziness and actually live the life I have :) Lots of Blessings

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