Monday, March 30, 2009

Group projects, Maternity Clinicals
Well, it's been an interesting week! The last post was the day before my first clinical experience on the Maternity flooor. I got lucky and it was my day in the NICU!!! It was amazing. The babies on that floor have the most heart in the whole hospital. There were twins, one was 1 lb 4 oz. and the other was 1 lb 7 oz. The legs are the width of a finger and they only get fed 1 cc of breastmilk. They are amazing! The one may have to get surgery to fix an open ductus arteriosis, which is supposed to close when the baby is born, but has stayed open since the babies were born at 25 weeks. I watched the nurses care for the babies and they were so skilled. It really made me want to work in the NICU. The babies are cared for in some of the same ways as the adults are, they get suctioned, NG tubes, constantly moniored VS, etc. The hospital has a highly skilled NICU, so all the babies that are high risk go there. We are very lucky to have the experience of doing our rotation there. So, I guess you've figured out I really like it. Tomorrow, I get to go to either labor and delivery or the postpartum unit. Very excited!!
There was a story inserted here, which I took out, I didn't realize anyone actually read this thing that wasn't a previous work employee :) I shouldn't single people out on the internet so while everything was the truth, I'm deleting it.
Friday we did a physical assessment video that took all day. We got there at 9 in the morning and organized everything until 12, got lunch, and then taped. It took til 5 in the afternoon. My partner's friend passed away so she was kinda out of it and everytime you put the camera on, I would start cracking up. It was a hot mess :) But, it's done, and thank goodess! No more videos for the rest of the semester. This one is a whole grade for the physical assessment class, though, so hopefully we hit on all of the points and got an A.
Well, the test is coming up on Monday so 6 days left. Wish me luck! Have to go study now. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to write again this week!
Lots of Blessings!

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